Nebraska Observer Weblog

Nebraska’s Illegal Immigration News

Oh come all ye faithful voters!!

Posted by nebraskaobserver on June 19, 2009

Well, it’s payback time for all the ‘LOONEY’ hispanic groups who supported Obama’s presidential election.  The Lord Obama just announced Obama today at the Esperanza National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast and Conference in Kansas City that he is “committed to a comprehensive immigration overhaul that includes a way that illegal immigrants can become U.S. citizens.”  Oh…yah!!…you betcha…….He also says (laughter here):

  1. U.S. borders must be strengthened to thwart illegal immigration
  • liberal translation: “we’re not going to do a damn thing about it except talk”
  1. illegals must pay a fine and taxes, learn English and “go to the back of the line” of people trying to enter the United States from their home country, and
  • liberal translation: “if you believe this for a moment, your a gullible idiot!…and together with the Obama press core we’ll led you to slaughter like a bunch of sheep”…
  1. employers should not be allowed to exploit illegal immigrants to drive down wages.
  • liberal translation: “we’re not going to piss off the employers and the Chamber of Commerce” and the Mexican government who are benefiting in this scheme so “piss off” you real Americans!”

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