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Ernie Chambers, Omaha

Omaha World Herald – PUBLIC PULSE – June 13, 2008

McCain and Obama

I do not understand:

1. Howe the mere fact of being shot down makes John McCain a “hero.”

2. How sitting out the Vietnam War as a prisoner equips him to be commander in chief. (The “experience” of being a prisoner fits one to be a prisoner.)

3. Why McCain does not ask Hillary Clinton to be his vice-presidential running mate, since he professes to believe that she is worthy of better than what she has received and they share so many views..particularly against Barack Obama.

If Obama accedes to McCain’s cheeky attempt to dictate the nature, number and forum(s) of debates, and if he agrees to fly around in the same airplane with McCain on the campaign trail, he ought to put on some short britches and refer to McCain as “Daddy.”

In addition to being “a dirty, double-crossing, back-stabbing racket,” as proclaimed by Terry Carpenter, politics can be loony.

Ernie Chambers, Omaha

Nebraska State Senator – District 11

One Response to “Ernie Chambers, Omaha”

  1. Terry Drustrup said

    Dear Ernie Chambers,

    I have prayed and prayed and your name keeps coming to me. So, here goes. St. Richards Church in N. Omaha is being closed because of fincial problems in these hard times. Please help me find a way to help the school get the funding they need to stay open.

    As each place of religious education closes we loose the chance to for each child to access their inner wisdom and to realize God’s purpose for them within themselves, their family, friends, foes, community, and the universe.

    Please keep this school in your prayers. Also, I would be ever grateful if you could give me advice or people I could contact that may be able to help me find a solution to keeping this school open. I can assure you of the dedication and love that the Principal, teachers, custodian, and cooks have for these children.It is a family that inpires love and the pursuit of education at it’s finest for every individual child. The students are feeling devestation right now at the thought of loosing their school.

    I invite you to come to the school and feel the love as you enter it! I am a retired teacher presently substituting and spending most of my time there.

    Please keep this school in your heart and prayers as you read it

    Terry Drustrup
    12202 Deer Hollow Dr.
    Omaha, NE 68154
    402-639-5528 cell

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